Some Microsoft Advertising Connections Require Reauthorization

Incident Report for Census


Census has updated our integration with Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads) in order to comply with new verified publisher requirements from Microsoft. Depending on how your company's Microsoft Advertising account is set up (as a Microsoft "personal account" or as an Entra / Azure "work account") and your organization's security policies, you may need to reauthorize your Microsoft Advertising connection in Census.

To reauthorize, perform the following steps:
1. Sign in to Census at
2. Select the workspace that contains your Microsoft Advertising connections
3. Click "Destinations" under "Connect" in the navigation sidebar
4. Find your "Microsoft Advertising" destination and click "Reauthorize"

On authorization, you should see the Census logo with the verified publisher as "Sutro Labs" (the company that develops Census).

You can use the "Test" button to verify that your connection is working properly. Please reach out to our support team or your account manager with any questions.
Posted May 21, 2024 - 22:00 UTC